Power On in the New Year

The New Year is upon us and for many in the upper Midwest and Northeast it will be ushered in with candlelight as they await the return of their electricity.  With many weather events, the loss of power is an unwelcome byproduct.  In this case it was an ice storm before Christmas that left these folks in the dark. With each of these widespread events I often wonder why the power companies don’t just bite the bullet and bury these lines so this doesn’t keep happening.  I’m sure the companies have balanced the cost of doing this with the cost of repairing the lines every time they go down.  Still the human cost in misery and discomfort needs to be addressed as well.  We are getting ready for yet another cold blast in these areas as well as the rest of the country as this year comes to a close. Hopefully, the power will return and remain for all those affected.

Best wishes for a warm, bright start in 2014!  Happy New Year everyone!